Saturday, February 28, 2009

Breathing Treatments

I went back and found pics of when Baylee was around Blair's age taking breathing treatments. It's unbelievable how much they look alike. Except... Baylee's eyes were MUCH more blue than what Blair's are right now... Baylee's have turned kind of green and Blair's are already there. I love comparing pics of them because I think they look so much alike. Except Baylee's head was a little different shaped. After all, I had Baylee au naturale and Blair was a C-Section! Let me know what you think....

This is Baylee

This is Blair


Evil Twin's Wife said...

They looked alike as babies and they still look alike!

Amy said...

Oh wow! how cool :)

Anonymous said...

I didn't see the caption above the second picture and I scrolled down looking for the one of Blair--I thought they were both Baylee shot from different angles! It's amazing how much alike they look!