Monday, May 12, 2008

Going home - T-minus 8 days-ish! :)

The going home thing still depends on her great bottle feeds! They have now increased her time limit to 15 minutes instead of 10. Over the weekend the nurse was able to get her to take the entire amount of formula! She is still not having residuals which is great! So many O babies have issues with acid reflux which she does not!

I talked to the Nurse Practitioner today and they are going to postpone her MRI on her spine until she is 4 months old. Lou Anna (the Nurse Practitioner) talked to the Neuro Surgeons and they don't like doing the MRI before then. They said the cartlidge is still soft right now and it can mess up the results. At 4 months if they find that her spine is tethered then she will have surgery when she is 1 year old! We are praying for good results with that!

When the nurse was changing the wrap on her O it was sticking to it more than normal. They said it was okay and from now on they will put saline on the bandage before they pull it off. That kind of scared me because I don't want them to rip it open. Other than that it looks like it's reducing in size which is great news!

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day!

Hugs - Tiffany


kellyk said...

good grief!! i thought you guys were looking at a 3-6 month stay? this girl is such a trooper!!

Katy said...

Hooray for going home! Blair is such a rockstar. Are you guys going to be using thickener when you go home? If so, I have a big box I can send you since WE'RE NOT USING IT!!! Can you tell I'm excited?

Toni said...

Wow, it really won't be long, will it? She's made such progress.